Frequently Asked Questions

The HOA annual assessment for each lot is $400.00, and is due March 1st each year. Interest is assessed for payments received after March 1st, as specified on page 15 of the Indentures, Article X, section 6, and failure to pay will result in a lien on your home, in addition to collection action.

Make check payable to: City & Village Tax Office, LLC

Mail payment to:
Directors of Tuscan Valley Estates
c/o City & Village Tax Office
3 Hollenberg Ct
Bridgeton, MO 63044

There are 58 lots in the Tuscan Valley Estates subdivision.

18 lots.  The Indentures state in Article V, section 10 (page 6), that 30% of the total lots must be present.  There are 58 lots in our Association, so no votes can take place at a homeowners meeting unless there are at least 18 lots present in person or via proxy vote.  The actual number is 17.4, but you have to round up to 18.

39 votes (only 1 vote allowed per lot). Article XII, section 3 (page 21) of the Indentures state that the Indentures may only be amended by written consent of 2/3 of all lots.  There are 58 lots in our Association, so that number is 38.6, but you have to round up to 39.  If there is a vote to amend the indentures, the written amendment must be signed by 39 lot owners, and recorded by the Jefferson County Recorder of Deeds before it can go into effect.

The same is true of the By-Laws, as found in Article VI, section 6.6 (page 14) of the By-Laws.

Any exterior change to your home, once your home was completed by the builder, requires HOA approval. This includes changes to or additions of fences, retaining walls, decks, patios, sidewalks, structures, exterior color changes, removal of trees that are 3" or greater in diameter, changes to the slope of your lot, and more, detailed in Article IX of the Indentures on pages 12-14.

Approval is only to ensure harmony with the surrounding lots and overall aesthetics of the neighborhood.  The lot owners are responsible for ensuring that their project has been properly designed for safety, necessary county permits are drawn, and implemented to ensure structural integrity.

Once you submit the required information on the Architectural Approval Request page of this web site (or email your request with scanned plans and details to the Board), you will be notified that the request for approval has been received by the Board. They typically return a decision in a matter of days.  If the Board or Board-appointed Architectural Committee does not provide an approval or denial within 60 days of the notification of the receipt of your request, it is considered approved.  Once approved, you have 1 year to begin work.  The work must then be completed within 1 year of the commencement of the work and carried through to completion.

If you begin construction prior to receiving written approval from the Board, you may be fined and/or required to restore the changes to their original condition at your own expense. Please read the Indentures for details.